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Church heating & lighting

19th November 2017: Addlestone Webteam
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new heating  lighting

Early in 2017 the Church was very fortunate to be offered an anonymous donation to modernise both the lighting and heating in the Church. The installation of both systems was done by a local firm and completed by the end of September 2017.
The new lighting consists of 8 up-to-date LED units, located one above each window plus two on the wall facing the Communion area of the Church. These provide even light throughout without shadows, and is almost like daylight.
The new heating system comprises of eight infrared wall-mounted heaters installed almost adjacent to the lighting units. Heating by infrared means is comparatively new technology, but in the last few years has become more popular; it doesn't warm the air (as normal 'wet' central heating does) but rather the things in a room, such as furniture, the flooring, and people, and is adjustable by means of a thermostat and a timer; eventually warmth from the furniture, etc does warm the air, and this is how the thermostat comes into use. The heating needs a short period of time to make the furnishing, etc, warm enough to be noticeable and can be compared with sunlight itself, but without clouds!
Infrared heating will not suit all churches; so much depends on the building, the volume of use and so on, but we believe it will be the answer for our needs.
On the first Sunday the two systems were in use it was very noticeable how light the Church looked, and how warm it felt.
Both LED lighting and Infrared heating are fairly modern systems, but old enough for them to be tried and tested.
Infrared heating will probably not suit all churches; so much depends on the building, the volume of use, and so on, but we believe it will be the answer for our needs.
If any reader wishes to know more about both types of lighting and heating we at Addlestone are now using please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on

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