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God's World – Climate Change. Jan.2020

4th February 2020: Addlestone Webteam
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Climate Change – In God's World.

Those attending our 19th January service may remember the prayers of intersession focused on Sir David Attenborough's recent BBC interview in which he warned "the moment of crisis has come".
We more frequently now hear of reference to 'Our World' yet we know Lord it isn't our world it is 'Your World'. As Christians we are in it as the stewards of your world expected to care for it on your behalf. Sir David tells us that the moment of crisis has come. Climate Change has reached a situation where it is an urgent problem that has to be dealt with now . We need to make life and death decisions. A young child sums it up with her placard -- "I'm 14 years old and I want a future." Do we follow the teaching of Jesus and love our neighbour, even one only 14 years old? The blame game doesn't help. As Christians we have a God given responsibility. What are we doing about it? What is our church, our circuit, Methodist society as a whole doing about it? Guide us and all Christians worldwide dear Lord to find ways to set an example that will show where we stand at this critical time in a way that will make a difference'.
Sue Howson has taken this and on behalf of the circuit produced an article on the circuit website developing the matter further.
Please view it if you are able – we are all involved and the time is now.

Fred – 04/02/2020

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