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Christian Faith

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What do Christians believe?

"Jesus preached the gospel – the good news of the Kingdom of God. Through Jesus' death on the cross, and his resurrection, Christians believe that God has broken the power of all that is evil, in the world and in ourselves. If we accept forgiveness and liberation, and are willing to be open to the Holy Spirit, God can enable us to resist evil and live life to the full.
Living as a Christian means more than going to church. It involves a life-long journey to follow is Jesus' steps. This will mean trying to apply what we know of God through Jesus to all the different aspects of our life, and make choices in life based on this rather than just our self-interest."

Why Jesus came.

The best messages are simple to understand yet the message is clear. The following story provides that message:

The whole family, living in the countryside, decided that tomorrow, being Christmas Day they would all go to church. All that is except dad, he had his doubts. Could such a story be true, that God would send His son down to earth as a baby? What would be the point?
Later that evening, sitting on his own he heard a noise outside. He went to the window and pulled the curtain aside. It was dark and beginning to snow heavily, a flock of birds, seeing a glimmer of light from his window had flown close hoping to get shelter from the snow.
Dad put on his coat and went outside. The snow was even heavier. Could he help protect the birds? He had a large barn beside the house so opened the doors hoping they would fly in. No response. Then he thought that perhaps some light would help so he put the light on in the barn. Still the birds didn't respond, yet the heavy snow continued and he felt the birds might not survive without shelter. If only he could become a bird and explain to them what they should do to save themselves. It was then it became clear to him, the meaning of Christmas. Why God sent Jesus to earth as a person to live among us and tell us what we needed to do to save ourselves.

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71 Station Road
KT15 2AR

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